Monthly Archives: September 2013

Will your prospect ever become a Customer?

If your business serves large organizations, you’ll note that just like tornado season, there are seasons when you’re flooded with opportunities. You’re busy working with prospects, determining requirements, answering questions and getting out proposals. You start to dream: “if I convert only [insert your percentage here] X% of these leads I’ll blow through my sales […]

Business Fundamentals: #1. Do What You Promise

Recently I was unwinding a pretty sticky situation between the CEO of a small business and one of his vendors. It got pretty ugly, as these things often do, to the point where the vendor sent a very polite email to the CEO “firing” them as an ongoing customer and ending with: “when we receive […]

Are You Investing or Gambling on Your Future?

A few months ago I was standing at a trade show booth at InfoComm13 in Orlando, FL when I struck up a conversation with the Director of Channel Sales for the company next to me about investing in the future.  And we came upon a similar set of experiences… Are we investing? Or just gambling? […]